Which sized dumpster should I rent?

Call us at 313-244-9100 and we will be happy to assist you.

Where can you place the dumpster?

Generally, depending on the property or job site layout, we recommend placing the roll off container in your driveway or on the grass. We cannot place the dumpster in the road or alleys for safety reasons, in backyards, over sprinkler systems, water manes, unpaved driveways or roads where our roll off trucks may get stuck, or under power lines and/or tree branches where the boom of our truck cannot extend (our trucks have a trailer that lifts roughly 30 feet into the air when lifting the dumpster).

What are the hours of operation at Waste Disposal Services?

Our hours of operation are accommodating to both residential and commercial markets. We are conveniently open for business five days per week (Monday – Friday 7 AM – 7:00 PM).

What are the hours of operation at Waste Disposal Services?

Our hours of operation are accommodating to both residential and commercial markets. We are conveniently open for business five days per week (Monday – Friday 7 AM – 7:00 PM).

What if my dumpster is full but I have more to dispose of?

Call, email, or text us if you need a second dumpster of swap out (also known as a dumpster switch out or a dumpster return). Many times we can accommodate same or next day service with both switch outs and dump returns. Please remember that the billing cycle will start over again once your original rental has been dumped.

How does pick up work? Do you come automatically or should you call?

It is best to call us when you are finished with filling the roll off. Please allow us 1-2 days lead time when picking up your dumpster.

Does Waste Disposal Services offer junk removal services (where the container is loaded for me)?

Unfortunately, we do not offer this type of labor-based service at this time.

What if I have a paver driveway?

Paver driveways are beautiful, and are generally more expensive than concrete driveways. We recommend purchasing 2 pieces of plywood before having your dumpster delivered (measuring 1” wide x 4’ Long). Please alert our dispatch team so that we can instruct the driver to place the wood down during both pick up and delivery.

What happens if I fill the container above the fill line?

We’re required to tarp all of our loads when we pick up your dumpster rental. If you fill the container above the fill line (lip of dumpster/or yellow line) we cannot safely transport your debris. We will either charge a fee for the overfilling the dumpster or charge a wasted trip fee for our inability to transport the roll off. DOT (Department of Transportation) Law requires covering our loads securely to avoid flying debris; which could cause injury to others on the road during transport.

What additional costs are involved when renting a dumpster and how do you avoid them?

What you put into the trash dumpster matters. Remember these simple rules and most likely you’ll only have to pay the low, flat, roll-off rental rate.

How much lead time is ideal for drop off and pick up?

Generally, like anything, we can ensure delivery during the desired times and dates that are ideal for you if you give us 1-2 days lead time on both drop off and pick up go the roll off container. Booking too far out in advance is not recommended, neither is booking on short notice.

What shouldn't be placed in the dumpster?

Anything liquid or liquid based cannot be placed in the dumpster. Paint cans (unless dry), tires, air conditioning units (freon – coils), chemicals, oils, gasoline, hazmat, propane tanks, asbestos, batteries, computer screens monitors (mercury), lightbulbs, cleaning agents, etc.

What if you use the dumpster for less time than the allotted rental duration? Or what if you need the roll off for more time?

Our rental term is for 7 days. If you do not need the rental for the entire time duration, just call us 1-2 days in advance and we will be happy to remove the container from your premises. We do not offer discounts on early pick ups, since all of our costs are factored in ahead of time (free drop off and pick up). If you need the garbage bin longer than the allotted term a $10/day charge will be added.

What is C&D?

C&D stands for construction and demolition debris – this is often referred to as job site contents disposed of in a dumpster.

Is there a rental agreement?

Waste Disposal Services offers a roll off dumpster rental agreement for our customers where all of our policies, hours, up-charges, can be referenced (click here to view our rental agreement).

What happens if you cannot access the property?

If we cannot access your property or job site during pick up or drop off of the roll off container, we have wasted a trip. Situations where gate key codes are not conveyed to our sales team, the bin is blocked by vehicles/equipment, a job site’s gates are padlocked, or you need to reschedule your drop off or pick up date and fail to convey this vital information to us – are considered “wasted trips”. Travel fees will be added to compensate for lost time – “trip fee”. Please be courteous and be sure our driver has access to drop off or pick up the container without delays caused by any of the aforementioned factors in order to avoid a trip fee.